King Henry III Plantagenet
                    b. 1207.    r. 1216-1272.    d. 1272
                    9 year old puppet king to the Barons and Bishops.
                    His wife robbed England on behalf of her family.
                    Needed his son to defeat Simon DeMontfort to
                    regain his throne.

Eleanor Berenger 
of Provence (1217-1291)
                   King John I (Lackland)  Daddy’s Favorite.
                   b. 1167.  r. 1199-1216.   d. 1216
                   Had to fight his nephew Arthur for the throne.
                   Lost most of France back to Louis
                   Excommunicated by the Pope over the appointment
                   of a new Archbishop of Canterbury.
                   Signed the Magna Carta in 1215.

Isabella of Angouleme
(b. 1189-1245)
                   King Henry II
                   b. 1133. r. 1154-1189.  d. 1189
                   Acquired 1/3 of France by inheritance, marriage and conquest. 
                   Appointed pal Thomas Beckett as Archbishop of Canterbury to 
                   control the church, but it backfired when Becket found God.
                   His wife and 4 boys all rebelled against him.
Eleanor of Aquitaine
Former Queen to King Louis of France.  
That was annulled because she could 
not bear a male heir.
Geoffrey Plantagenet
Count of Anjou
“Queen” Matilda
also Holy Roman Empress
b. 1101  d. 1167
Named but not crowned
               King Henry I  b. 1068 r. 1100-1135 d. 1135
                 Started “Touching for the King’s Evil”
                 Started the exchequer.  
                 Lost his son WIlliam in a boat crash.
of Scotland
King William I (The Conqueror)
b. 1028.  r. 1066-1087.  d. 1087
               Defeated Harald II at the Battle of Hastings in 1066
Matilda of Flanders
                       King WIlliam II (Rufus)
​                       b. 1056.  r. 1087-1100.  d. 1100
                       Named King over his brother Robert
                       Weak.  Presumed gay.
                       Killed in a hunting “accident”
​                         King Richard I (Lionheart)  Mommy’s Favorite
                         b. 1957   r. 1189-1199     d. 1199

                         Didn’t care about England beyond the money.
                         Joined the 3rd Crusade and was captured by
                         Leopold of Austria on his way home.  Died on
                         the battlefield while in his mother’s arms.
​King Stephen of Blois  b. 1097 r. 1135-1154 d. 1154
Age of Anarchy as he battled Matilda & Henry II for
the throne.  When his wife and son Eustus died, he
settled the war and adopted Henry as his successor.
                       b. 1062.   d. 1137
               Count of Blois
               King Edward I (Longshanks) (Hammer of the Scots)
               Conquered Wales

Eleanor of Castile

                         King Edward II
                         Homosexual weak king killed by his wife and
                         her lover with a hot poker in the ass (rumored)
                         King Edward III
                          b. 1312    r.        -1377            d. 1377
                          Black Death of 1348

Edward the Black Prince
Would have been a good king 
and avoided the Wars of the 
Roses had he lived.
Edmund of York
John of Gaunt
                       King Louis (Louis VIII of France) 
                       r. 1216-1217
                       Named King by the Nobles after
                       John’s death but this was revoked.
Isabella of France
The She-Wolf of France
                         King Richard II
                         b.        r.            d.
                         Personally quelled the Peasant’s Revolt.
                         Otherwise not a good king.   Lost the
                         throne to his cousin Henry IV.
                  King Henry IV
John Beaufort
Marquess of Somerset
d. 1410
Richard, Duke of 
Richard, Duke of York
John Beaufort
Duke of Somerset
d. 1444
                  King Henry V
The Warrior King, Henry spent most of his reign at war with 
France.  The Battle of Agincourt was his biggest victory.   
Committed war crimes by killing all his prisoners.
                  King Henry VI
Margaret Beaufort (1443-1509)
m. Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond

                  King Richard III
                  King Edward IV
                  King Edward V

                  One of the two Princes in the Tower
                  Presumed killed by order of Richard III
Elizabeth of York
King Henry VII "The Winter King"
Killed Richard III in battle
Latter part of his reign was spent imposing harsh 
taxes/fines on the nobility.
(3) Katherine Swynford
(1) Blanche of Lancaster
Edmund Tudor, Earl of Richmond
Owen Tudor (1385-1461)
Catherine of Valois
                  King Henry VIII
Famous for his 6 wives.
Queen Mary I
Queen Elizabeth I
King Edward VI
Margaret Tudor (1489-1541)
King James IV or Scotland 
b. 1473  r. 1488-1513  d. 1513

King James V or Scotland 
b. 1512   r. 1513-1542   d. 1542

Mary, Queen of Scots
b. 1542  r. 1542-1567  d. 1587
Henry Lord Darnley 
King James I
b. 1566   r.      -1625     d. 1625
Also King James VI of Scotland
Jane Seymour
Catherine of Aragon
Anne   Boleyn
MaryTudor (1498-1535)
Frances Brandon (1517-      )
Lady Jane Grey  (1536-1555)

Anne of Denmark (1574-1619)
King Charles I

Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662)
Sophia of Hanover (1630-1714)
King George I

Mary Stuart (1631-1660)
King Charles II

King James II

Anne (1638-1671)
King William III

Queen Mary II

Queen Anne

King George II

Frederick of Hanover (1707-1751)

King George III

Sophia of Celle(1666-1726)
Caroline of Ansbach
Augusta of Saxe-Coburg (1719-1772)
Charlotte of Mecklenburg (1744-1818)
King WIlliam IV

King George IV

Edward Duke of Kent
Victoria of Saxe-Coburg
Queen Victoria

Albert of Saxe-Colburg & Gotha
King Edward VII
b. 1841   r. 1901-1910     d.1910

Alexandra of Denmark 
King George V
b. 1865   r. 1910-1936     d.1936

Saxe-Coburg & Gotha
King George VI

King Edward VIII

Queen Elizabeth II